Sunday, October 31, 2010

Lily's First Halloween!

Happy Halloween, y'all! We have all been anxiously awaiting this day!

Her first of the major holidays, (read as: holidays on which it is not only appropriate but necessary to rack up a rockin calorie count and not require a Come To Jesus meeting after - basically all but Flag Day and Earth Day) Halloween and its preparation has taken up much of this little ladybug's time during the past few weeks!

First things first - HOME DECOR!

Handmade crafts are a must

Next comes Pumpkin Pickin

Then pumpkin carving! We're not a fan of Mr. Pumpkin's unmentionables...

Halloween Eve - does anyone else remember when this was called "Mischief Night"?

Brunch? Bien Sur!

Family Shot!

Happy Halloween, y'all!

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