Monday, October 21, 2013

Welcome, Darling Girl!

I got big. Way big. Not that I didn't enjoy every moment of those extra servings...

But it was worth it! Kiera Laurel, you were born on September 20, 2013 at 6:33 am under the remains of a full moon. You began your journey to the world the night before (your original due date) after WEEKS of teasing - naughty, naughty -, and in 9 swift hours and 9 whole minutes of pushing, you were placed in our arms and in our hearts forever. You sang your first sweet notes moments after you arrived, and have been vocal ever since! You never hesitate to let us know when you're needing or wanting, or just want to chat about sweet musings, music, art, history, fashion....whatever strikes your fancy! You hate to be put down, because you can't stand to be away from the people around you. A social butterfly for sure, but I've been calling you Kieraluna (a la Stellaluna) because of your "lunar landing" and your love of the night life! Welcome to the world, baby girl! This crazy, beautiful, wonderful world!

First picture! You were 19 1/4 inches long and weighed in at 7lbs 14oz

Since coming home, you've settled in quite nicely! You have found your happy place (snuggled up, close to anything and anyone nearby)

Big Sister Lily loves you to the moon and back! You and she are Daddy's girls for sure!

Welcome, darling girl! You are so very loved!

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