Sunday, May 15, 2011

Ballerina Babies!

I teach at a dance studio. Did you know that? This weekend was our spring recital. My students performed beautifully, Aunt Brenna rocked 5 dances including her senior piece and I even got to join the performance this year! Ending the show, all the teachers come out on stage for a final farewell and this year, Lily joined us! Never seen Baby Girl light up so much. She was grinning ear to ear and graciously accepting all of her applause. Looks like Lily has officially gotten the bug!
Great Grampa came to watch!

Kiki Love

The Cast

My home is now a garden with all of the beautiful bouquets received over the weekend. Through it all, however the real star of the weekend is Jason, who acted as a single daddy for the past three crazy days of rehearsals and preparation for the big show. We love you, daddy!

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