Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Greetings From Easter Lily!

Happy Easter, y'all! Easter Lily has had a fabulous day - and hopes you have, too! Now, last year, we were all still getting the hang of this "Lily" thing. We went to mass, ate a whole heap of goodness, and went home. This year, since we're all a little more mobile, we did it up right!

Monogrammed Easter Dress by Modest Me Designs


Yesterday, we prepped for the Big Bunny by dying eggs for the first time! Yellow, Pink, Blue and Green.

Then we put out the decor. Mommy got to use her new silver coffee/tea service for the first time!Perfect opportunity to break it in, don't you agree?

Vintage foil bunnies are a must

Then the Big Day! This morning, I got up with the sun to finish making the goodies for brunch, and found this waiting for our Easter Lily:

Easter Lily checking out the loot!


After mass, Kiki, Po, Aunt Brenna and Uncle Will came over for brunch. Looks like the Easter Bunny visited them, too. Look what they brought!

Easter Basket Deux

Easter Lily rockin' shades

Mowgli was especially thrilled to see Po!

Brunch was fabulous! Coffee and OJ, Sausage Casserole, Tomato Spinach Frittata, Cheddar Grits with Louisiana Hot Sauce, and Strawberry Cream Cheese Pound Cake!


Happy Easter, Y'all!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Cheeseburger Meatloaf

We tried a new dish recently that went over so well I just had to share it. Part Paula Deen, part moi (read: the most fabulous combination ever), it's a different take on the typical meatloaf. Not pretty by any means, but so gooey and yummy it makes up for it! Here it is, y'all. Cheeseburger Meatloaf!

Grab a pound of ground beef, 2 eggs, half of an onion (diced), some minced garlic, a cup of grated cheddar, 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce, 1/2 cup sour cream (for real), 1 sleeve of crushed Ritz crackers, stay with me, y'all I'm almost done, 1/4 cup ketchup and 1/4 cup yellow mustard. You can also add bits of bacon, but let's not get too crazy. Just kidding. Let's. Add chopped up cooked bacon to taste.

Mix everything together (with your hands, bien sur, and form it into loaf and toss it in a pan. Pop it in the oven for 35 minutes at 350. Add half a can of french fried onions (the kind you put in green bean casserole!) to the top and return the beast to the oven for another 15 min.

While it's a cookin', mix one can cream of mushroom soup and one cup of milk and bring it to a boil in a sauce pot on the stove. Add a cup and a half of shredded cheddar and the other half of your onion (diced) and mix. Pour about half over the meat once it's done and serve! You'll have a good chunk of the sauce left over, but it's awesome to save and use on just about anything else. The next day I added some to our eggs for breakfast and then used it on baked chicken for dinner. It's amazing!


Nakie Babies and Odd Faces

Now how's that for a title? So lately Tally has been hot as Hades - unusual this early in the year. But, we Floridians cope. Lily has a slight advantage, though:

I don't think I could get away with this solution! Nakie baby is a happy baby!

To wrap things up, we've also come across a new "I'm not happy" face to use in lieu of "shame on you" face. Attractive, non?