Monday, April 26, 2010

She's Gonna Kill Me When She's Old Enough To Read This...

It started with a few grunts - and I'm not gonna lie, y'all; that part was pretty funny. Then the grunts turned to growls. Growls turned to screams. girl is constipated.

Moms around the globe go ahead and "tsk" away, but I've been finding it pretty dificult to keep up with nursing the little one around the clock. A few weeks ago, we introduced Lily to formula and we gradually weaned her to the point where she is currently only nursing at night. I know, I know, breast is best and all, but for a working mom the formula is just so much more convenient! So instead of strict nursing, I'd been pumping and storing the good stuff and mixing it in to make the transition as easy as possible. Everything seemed to be going just swimmingly until today, when Lily showed us just how wrong we were.

The riot began around 12:30 this afternoon. After about a half hour of shreiking in pain (not nice) I had to call for reinforcements. Now, we went through our bout of colic during the early weeks. Luckily that didn't last nearly as long as we thought it would. But this was nothing like anything I've ever heard before. I can usually tell by her cry if she's hungry, wet, bored, etc. But this was something new. Kiki came over and concluded that the poor little thing (who was now a lovely shade of aubergine due to what we now refer to as the Great Struggle, was constipated (how un-chic!). So we called the doc and searched the web and decided to try a few different things - Karo syrup being the winning bet.

After a long day of endurance (on both ends) I am thrilled to report that it all comes out well in the end (pun totally intended). It took a while, but by 5:50ish we seemed to have gotten through the worst of it. Lily now gets a fabulous cocktail of breastmilk, formula, mylicon and Karo syrup - shaken, not stirred. We'll keep at this until baby girl becomes a little more regular (or until Activia yogurt is approved for youngins). Again, this blog is being used in lieu of a baby book - this was something new and special (yes, my name is Kayleigh and I think my daughter's BMs are special) and therefore it deserves to be recorded. Big post coming tomorrow as Lily has her two-month apointment...complete with a whole mess of vaccinations. But that's a whole other post...

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