Sunday, March 14, 2010

Steppin' Out With My Baby!

Lily has had a few adventures lately! We've had our first shopping trip and our first lunch date! For shopping delights, Lily, her Kiki and Mommy went to the One Week Boutique - a fabulously huge baby consignment sale held here in Tally twice a year. We found some extra travel gear (mainly for Daddy's car) and a few summer outfits - all in all a great success! Lily also got to meet her great-grandfather this weekend! The family got together and went to lunch and had a marvelous time!

Matchy Matchy!

It took a while for me to be OK with taking her out of the house (who knew I'd become such a worry wart about germs?!?) But as we find more opportunities for outings, I'm slowly becoming more comfortable. What can I say? I love showing her off! And it definitely helps that the weather here has been so wonderful! Tally really is gorgeous in the spring!

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