Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Gleek Alert!

So while watching TV the other day (Mommy and Lily need their daily E! fix!) a commercial came on for the new season of Glee. Now, I never actually got a chance to get into the show, mainly because I never had time to sit down and watch it when it first began - but I hear it's fabulous! Anyhoo, the preview featured a chickadee singing "Like a Prayer" and I was immediately drawn to her voice - it's gorgeous! So Lily and I went over to Youtube and got some of the songs going. Lily's eyes lit up and she went completely still and quiet when we heard Glee's rendition of Queen's "Somebody to Love". We tried a few more songs and Lily was just enchanted! Other favorites include "Defying Gravity" from Wicked and Journey's "Don't Stop Believing" - my baby has such great taste! Now, whenever Lily gets fussy, the Glee soundtrack is one of the first go-to resources for crisis aversion and it usually works within seconds (unless Mommy starts to sing along - then Lily just looks downright offended) Guess I'll have to make time for this show after all! Lily is an official Gleek!

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