Saturday, July 24, 2010

Pearly What?

Pearly Whites! That's right, y'all! We have had a tooth sighting! Granted, it's more like an itty bitty white speck on her bottom gum that is the very tippy top of a tooth (loving this alliteration!), but it's definitely there. We've been wondering why our little lady has been acting a bit...well, unlady-like lately, and here's our answer.

While we are just giddy at the fact that our little girl is growing up, we know that the next few months will be a bit of a challenge. Toothaches and the headaches (hers and ours!) that go along with them are never fun! I'll post a picture as soon as the little chomper is reasonably visible!

As a side note, Lily has graduated from rice cereal and formula to peas and sweet potatoes. Baby girl is loving sweet potatoes!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Yankee Doodle Sweetheart

What's For Breakfast?

Cereal! Yum yum yum! We've just added consumption of solids to little Lily's list of accomplishments at this four-month checkpoint! It took some getting used to and about 3 bibs to keep the mess under control, but by George I think she's got it! Table manners will no doubt come later...

What is this?

Om nom nom

Not bad!

Next stop: high chair!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

...and the little one said "roll over, roll over!"

As a demonstration of her impressive appreciation of coordination, improvement of movement and ability of agility, Lily has rolled over! Granted, this is a three-month milestone that she appeared to have skipped, but today Lily surprised us all by rolling from her back to her tummy (apparently no easy feat according to experts - the simpler variation is from tummy to back) as if she had been practicing for weeks! Seems so strange and even downright silly to be celebrating such a simple act, yet watching her accomplish this for the very first time makes it seem as important as anything you'll read in today's headlines. We are so proud of our roly poly!